Amiga Format CD 22
Amiga Format AFCD22 (Jan 1998, Issue 106).iso
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68 lines
Short: System monitor (MUI & AmiTCP optional) (V2.10)
Uploader: shred@chessy.aworld.de (Richard Körber)
Author: shred@chessy.aworld.de (Richard Körber)
Type: util/moni
Requires: Kickstart 2.04, MUI and AmiTCP optional
Language: English (also German guide)
URL: http://www.is-koeln.de/einwohner/shred/
This is the official continuation of the famous (and fabulous :-)
system monitor from Andreas Gelhausen.
What is Scout?
Scout is a tool that allows you to monitor your computer system. It
displays many different things -- like tasks, ports, assigns,
expansion boards, resident commands, interrupts, etc. -- and you
can perform some certain actions on them.
For example you can freeze tasks, close windows and screens, release
semaphores or remove locks, ports and interrupts.
Through AmiTCP it's also possible to use Scout as an TCP/IP service.
Since version 2.0 of Scout you can use nearly all implemented
functions through shell parameters. Therefore it's not necessary
to install MUI for using Scout, but you will need MUI if you want
to use Scout with its graphical user interface.
BTW: Scout can open 49 different windows! :-)
Changes from release 2.9 to release 2.10:
o Menu shortcuts set to uppercase (style guide) [Marcin Orlowski]
o Print filerequester opened in Save mode [Marcin Orlowski]
o identify.library is optional now, but Scout will then have a few
restrictions [Daniel Lundberg]
o Implemented BOOPSI classes window
o Improved the System window, now using identify V8 and showing
Cache state; added an Update button
o All identify strings are in English now, no more language mixture
o The Expansion window is consistent now, but not compatible to
older Scouts. Make sure to run Scout R2.10 on the remote system
as well when using TCP/IP.
o Board names are now shown in the expansion list
o Re-arranged the main window buttons. Sorry but this was necessary.
o Re-arranged the devices and resources window buttons so the window
can be sized smaller. [Andreas Benden]
o Some minor internal cleanups and optimizations